Studies show that 85 percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium. This is probably a result of the nations farmland being slowly depleted of magnesium. Therefore our food has slightly less
than in the past coupled with the fact that we don't eat the array of natural foods that were eaten in the past. Magnesium has a huge part to play in the functioning of our body. Something like 300 enzymatic reactions are tied to magnesium. Research has not proven exactly how magnesium works
with blood pressure, but where they find high magnesium levels there is lower blood pressure and someone with lower levels tends to have higher blood pressure. Other studies say magnesium supplements do no good, we get all we need from food. But whatever, I chose to take a magnesium supplement for blood pressure, and I cannot say exactly what did the trick, but my blood pressure has improved considerably with magnesium in my list of supplements.It can't hurt you and might do some good.